Wednesday, November 08, 2006

11-2 LAB Slides Echinodermata

Starfish Larva Brachiolaria

Starfish Young

Starfish Development

Make sure you can identify the different stages of development on the slide. The unfertilized egg has a nucleus. Fertilized egg is like a solid ball. In this picture, fertilized would be slightly below the center and to the right. Blastula looks like a tennis ball. A perfect blastula can be seen at a little past 3 o'clock (in this picture). Gastrula is when you start to see an indentation. There are a few gastrulas in this picture. Also, make sure to know the parts of the gastrula. These can be found in your hand out.

Leptosynapta Skin
(skin of sea cucumber- Class Holothuroidea)

Asterias (Starfish) Pedicellariae (for protection)

Starfish Ray


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