Friday, November 17, 2006

11-16-06 Slides

This looks like the fish blood. The way that you can tell the difference between the fish and human blood is that the fish blood has a nucleus, and the human blood does not.

which makes this human blood

sickle cell anemia. Caused by one wrong amino acid on one of the Beta chains of the hemoglobin. Easy to identify because some of the blood cells are sickle shaped.

teased smooth muscle.
One nucleus. Long, thin, tapered.


looks like cardiac muscle

motor neurons

cartilage. You can see the chondrocytes in the matrix (made up of collagen and proteins)

Bone. The spiral things are Haversian systems (Osteon). The center is the Haversian canal. Layers= lamellae. Layers are connected by canalicuti

columnar epithelial

cuboidal epithelial

stratified epithelial (skin)






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